There was also time to visit the Museum of Science and Industry. This is one of their planes: a German Stuka. In front of the Stuka hangs a Spitfire. (Shouldn't that really be the other way around?)

The museum also has some movie history: this is the business end of the U-505, a German submarine captured by the allies during WW2. A movie was recently made about this, but Chicago is saving the real thing for posterity.

Some more German engineering: the U-505's huge diesels.

This is one of the two Enigma encryption machines captured on the U-boat. It had two machines, because this one has an experimental device to record the message attached to its top. The other one served as back-up.

The sign on the door of the Police Museum (Great! More on Chicago's gangsters!) reads: Police Museum move to unknowned location". Nice murals, though...

The art museum, on the other hand, was worth a visit. (And free on Tuesdays...)

The military-collection includes some fine European suits of armor, and a gun built in Utrecht in 1650.

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