On Tuesday February 12 2002 I was given the opportunity to be savagely attacked by a police dog.
I was, of course, wearing the proper protective clothing.

Needless to say, Andrea wanted to have her share of the fun as well.

This opportunity came courtesy of the Richland County Sherriff's Department. Andrea and I have enrolled in the RCSD Citizen Police Academy which aims to give civilians "an inside look at law enforcement". And before you ask: No, it's got nothing to do with the "Citizens On Patrol" concept from the Police Academy series.
The K9 officer in charge of the dog hanging from our arms is Deputy Kathy Murphy. She claimed Rommel is a German Shepard. Up close, the dog seemed as big as a bear, though.

This course is a 10-week program that also features a ride-along with the RCSD's elite C.A.T. unit. The advanced course features, amongh other things, a practice car chase. I guess that'll be the only time I'll hear a police officer tell me to drive faster!
It's not for everyone, but we like it.
week 88...
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