Here's the view from Bates House to the west (the view from my room is to the north). The building on the right is Cliff Apartments: accommodation for married students. The parking lot is usually a lot fuller than this.

The walkway leads north and connects Bates House and Bates West (both residence halls) to the Blatt Physical Exercise Center. To the right of the walkway are two beach volleyball fields, and on the other side are baseball and soccer fields. The piece of roof sticking out at the bottom of the picture belongs to the Bates House canteen.

I finished week 4 by going bowling with ISA, the International Student Association.

Everybody else was there as well, and the scoring was all electronic. That might seem normal to you, but the last time we went bowling in Holland, we had to have a "designated calculator", because it was still all pencils and paper.
week 5
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